Terms of Service
– Enduro Ranch Ltd. is not liable if you whiskey throttle or swaggle a grip of front brake, or choose another personal methodology which results in bodily injury.
– You agree to have a Colorado OHV sticker prior to riding on public lands.
– You must have a spark arrestor.
– You’re required to pick up 1 piece of trash while at the riding area or on the trail.
– You break you buy.
– No refunds. If you’ve got a legit family crisis, ok. You wadding it up and cracking ribs a week before? ~ we’ll defer to another ride time and potentially ride location.
– If you get unruly, we reserve the right to give you the boot. This includes trashing the trail for no good reason.
– If your bike is hating, you promise not to tell every body at every stop. (We’ve made custom jets in extreme situations and will try not to leave you hangin’)
– You’ll do your best to come rested and ready to ride!
Thank you,
Brett Johnson